The most important element with regard to fiscal matters is being legally compliant. Our tax consultants guarantee peace of mind by monitoring fiscal legislation on a daily basis, always with your specific situation in mind. They will go over and above the basic requirements. Our tax consultants will help you make optimum use of your fiscal room for manoeuvre.
Our team of tax consultants has years of experience in both direct and indirect taxation and can advise you on basic requirements to more specific structures. We are at your disposal for specialised tax advice, based on an overall assessment of your fiscal situation.
Tax legislation both at home and abroad is evolving at a lightning-fast pace. Thanks to HLB’s international network, we have the necessary expertise to guide you in the area of international taxation. Additionally, we have a country desk for neighbouring countries, where you can obtain specific advice on specific tax conventions. Our experts also provide guidance to expats.
Do you require assistance with asset planning? Thanks to the fact that we have a thorough knowledge of your case, you will receive advice which is tailored to your situation. Will you soon be requesting a ruling? HLB can help you obtain more insight into the outcome.